The COVID-19 pandemic led to increased mental health concerns among parents. Emerging studies have shown links between COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and psychological distress, including among parents. The primary aim of this study was to extend these emerging findings by examining the role of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in mental health functioning in a national sample of U.S. parents, accounting for the effects of COVID-19 vaccination status and underlying medical conditions increasing COVID-19 risk. A nationally representative sample of U.S. parents (N = 796) completed a cross-sectional survey between February-April 2021, including measures of depressive, anxiety, and COVID-19 acute stress symptoms; COVID-19 vaccination status; underlying medical conditions increasing COVID-19 risk; and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. The sample consisted of 51.8% fathers, Mage=38.87 years, 60.3% Non-Hispanic white, 18.1% Hispanic/Latinx, 13.2% Non-Hispanic Black/African American, 5.7% Asian, and 2.8% Other Race. Hierarchical regression models adjusted for demographic covariates revealed that greater COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy and presence of an underlying medical condition were consistently associated with higher levels of depressive, anxiety, and COVID-19 acute stress symptoms among parents. Having had at least one COVID-19 vaccination dose was associated with greater levels of COVID-19 acute stress, but was not associated with depressive or anxiety symptoms. Results add new evidence from the U.S. in support of the link between COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and psychological distress, point to the potential utility of behavioral health care workers in helping reduce vaccine hesitancy, and provide tentative data suggesting that COVID-19 vaccination for parents alone may not have provided mental health relief.