The data explosion caused by the Internet and its applications has given researchers immense scope for data analysis. A large amount of data is available in form of images. Image processing is required for better understandability of an image. Various image processing steps are available for improving the image in different application areas. Various applications like medical imaging, face recognition, biometric security, and traffic surveillance, etc. depend only on image and its analysis. This analysis in several applications is highly dependent on the outcome of image segmentation. This paper focuses on good segmentation through multi-level thresholding. In this research, the algorithm includes two modules related to Entropy and variance. The first module is concerned with the modified firefly algorithm (FA) with Kapur’s, Tsallis, and Fuzzy Entropy. FA is used to optimize fuzzy parameters for obtaining optimal thresholds. The second module is derived from the principle of variance between two classes known as between variance or inter-cluster variance. The opposition-based the learning method is used for initializing the population of candidate solutions and levying flight and local search is implemented with FA. The various experiments have been performed on Berkeley and benchmark images with distinct threshold (i.e. 2, 3, 4, 5) values. The proposed algorithm has been estimated and compared with known metaheuristic optimization methods like particle swarm optimization (PSO) and electromagnetism optimization (EMO). The results have been assessed quantitatively and qualitatively by using parameters like Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structured similarity index metric (SSIM), objective function values, and convergence curve. The algorithm proposed observed better experiment results than PSO, EMO in terms of persistency and quality.