The location and configuration of the mandibular canal are important in surgical procedures involving the mandible. Previously, we reported that bifid mandibular canals could be classified into four types: retromolar, dental, forward, and bucco-lingual canals, using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Herein we report three Japanese patients with a bony canal in the mandibular ramus, which was independent of the mandibular canal, using CBCT images. A CBCT unit with a flat panel detector and exposure volume of 102 mm in diameter and 102 mm in height was used. Two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) images in the mandibular ramus region were reconstructed using 3D visualization and measurement software packages. Three bony canals in two patients were considered to correspond to a temporal crest canal, which was raised from the mandibular notch, and reached the antero-inferior region of the coronoid process. One bony canal in one patient, ran bucco-lingually in the mandibular ramus. It is important for variations in the mandibular and bony canals to be carefully observed, by use of CBCT images, in surgical procedures involving the mandible.