Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is highly effective in the prevention of HIV acquisition and was recently approved for those under 18 years of age. The primary goal of the present study was to understand the prevalence of and factors associated with PrEP use among a large sample of young and adult sexual minority men (Y/SMM). Participants came from a larger national sample of SMM. Data collected included demographics, substance use, PrEP use, and sexual risk. Participants were recruited via sexual networking/dating applications and resided in the U.S. including Puerto Rico, were at least 13 years old, self-reported being HIV-negative, and identified as male. The sample was divided into two groups: YSMM (13–24 years of age) and adult SMM (25 years of age and up). Multinomial logistic regressions examining associations with never, current, and former PrEP use were run with all variables of interest simultaneously entered into the models. Age was positively associated with both former and current PrEP use among YSMM. Additionally, YSMM who identified as gay (vs. bisexual), lived in the Northeast, Midwest, and West (vs. South), had their own health insurance (vs. those on their parent’s), had recently been diagnosed with an STI, and had recently used a drug all had higher odds of being a current PrEP user compared to those that had never used PrEP. Among adult SMM, those who were older did not have higher odds of current PrEP use compared to those that had never used PrEP. Those who identified as queer (vs. gay), single, had their own or were on their partner’s insurance (vs. parent’s), recent condomless anal sex, recent STI diagnosis, recent drug use, and recent substance use all had higher odds of being a current PrEP user compared to those that had never used PrEP. Research is needed to address the disparities in PrEP uptake among YSMM. Interventions for PrEP access among those on their parents’ insurance may also be necessary.