The main objectives of applying NDT techniques are to ensure the quality of an assembly or a part according to a given specification including known acceptance criteria. It generally enables not only to detect an indication, but also to classify it (size, position, nature…). Many non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques are effective in testing welded components. Radiography, ultrasonic testing, penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing are widely used and standardised. Phased arrays, TOFD and multi-elements eddy current are more and more extensively applied. Tomography, acoustic emission, ultrasonic guided waves, laser ultrasonic and optical techniques continue to be a strong topic of interest. Each of these techniques is based on different physical principles to detect defects on the surface of the part or over its whole volume. However, the geometry, physical and material properties of the part being tested are key factors in the applicability and performance of a given NDT technique. To date, the development of reliable NDT methods for additive manufacturing (AM) parts is still a major challenge. The process may generate various defects such as cracks, voids, inclusions and porosities. NDT techniques need to be optimised or developed to address singular features of the AM processes: complex geometry, special internal structures, anisotropic material properties, typical defects. Knowledge of the potential occurring imperfections produced by the various AM process needs to be improved in order to be able to select the best suited NDT techniques.