The use of untreated surface water for domestic purposes has resulted in the infection of some people by guinea worm and other water borne diseases in the Northern Region of Ghana. The aim of this study is to assess the current groundwater quantity and quality conditions in the 7,820 km2 Daka catchment and project the water demand in 2025. Results of groundwater analyses generally show good water quality for domestic use. Borehole analyses indicate that the catchment’s groundwater system can be characterized by a regolith aquifer underlain by a deeper fractured rock aquifer in some areas. The current per capita water demand is estimated at 40 l/day although 60 l/day is the desired amount, indicating that with the current population of 363,350, the projected water demand for the communities is 21,800 m3/day. With a projected population of 555,500 in 2025, an expected 33,300 m3/day of water is required. The estimated optimum potential groundwater available for use in the catchment is 154 × 106 m3/year (4.24 × 105 m3/day). However, the current total groundwater abstraction is only 8,876 m3/day or 2% of the optimum. In comparison, the projected total current and 2025 water demands are only 5 and 8%, respectively, of the optimum potential groundwater available for use in the catchment. In addition, only 1,780 m3/day (0.65 × 106 m3/year) or 0.06% of the average annual flow of 1,016 × 106 m3/year of the Daka River is treated for domestic use. These figures reveal that a significantly very large water resource potential exists for both surface and groundwater development in the Daka catchment. It is suggested that their development should proceed conjunctively. © 2014, International Association for Mathematical Geosciences.