In Galicia (northwestern Spain), Brassica rapa subsp. rapa L. includes turnips, turnip greens, and turnip tops. The objectives of this study are (i) to determine the genetic diversity and morphological resemblances among the B. rapa landraces of northwestern Spain in order to have information relative to the resources preserved, and (ii) to evaluate their agronomic characteristics, considering the three potential products that can be harvested. A collection of 120 landraces was evaluated for 34 morphological and agronomical traits by an augmented design at two locations. Two landraces were the most promising for turnips production (MBG-BRS0183 and MBG-BRS0256), two showed the best characteristics for turnip greens (MBG-BRS0082 and MBG-BRS0184), and three were the most appropriate landraces for turnip tops production (MBG-BRS0143, MBG-BRS0173 and MBG-BRS0401). Landraces were classified into five clusters (A–E) using the Ward–MLM (Modified Location Model) strategy: (A) included plants with the worst agronomic potential, (B) included most of the turnip populations with rosette growth habit, (C) included turnip populations without rosette growth habit, having more vigorous plants than cluster B, (D) gathered the most vigorous local varieties, with the highest early vigor, fresh matter content per leaf, and number of secondary stems per plant, and (E) landraces characterized by their earliness, large flowering periods, high numbers of secondary stems, and large seed weights. As conclusion, landraces evaluated in this work displayed enough variability to differentiate among appropriate populations for each one of the distinct crops. Their classification, using the Ward–MLM strategy, grouped accessions with similar characteristics into homogeneous categories.