gold single crystal;
bimetallic nanocatalysts;
in situ STM;
D O I:
The structure and reactivity of bimetallic electrodes obtained by spontaneous deposition of Ru and Os on Au(111) single-crystal surfaces are studied. In situ electrochemical STM and cyclic voltammetry are used to characterize a wide range of surface morphologies thus produced. The STM results on Ru/Au(111) demonstrate a pronounced step decoration, while a random distribution of Ru nuclei, quite uniform in size, occurs on terraces. Osmium deposits show a slight preference for deposition on steps, but it also occurs readily on terraces. However, many of the Os islands grow into multilayer heights. The coverage of the Au(111) by the deposited Ru or Os islands for a particular solution concentration depends on the deposition time. Nanostructures of Ru and Os are tested for catalytic behavior and correlated to CO oxidation activity as measured by CO stripping voltammetry.