Particle Image Velocimetry;
Vortical Structure;
Lead Edge Vortex;
D O I:
A wing in the form of a rectangular flat plate is subjected to periodic flapping motion. Space–time imaging provides quantitative representations of the flow structure along the wing. Regions of spanwise flow exist along the wing surface; and depending on the location along the span, the flow is either toward or away from the tip of the wing. Onset and development of large-scale, streamwise-oriented vortical structures occur at locations inboard of the tip of the wing, and they can attain values of circulation of the order of one-half the circulation of the tip vortex. Time-shifted images indicate that these streamwise vortical structures persist over a major share of the wing chord. Space–time volume constructions define the form and duration of these structures, relative to the tip vortex.
UNSW Australia, Sch Mech & Mfg Engn, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Calif Polytech State Univ San Luis Obispo, Dept Aerosp Engn, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 USAUNSW Australia, Sch Mech & Mfg Engn, Sydney, NSW, Australia