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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Trauma and Self-Care (CBT-TSC) in Men Who have Sex with Men with a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Conall O’Cleirigh
Steven A. Safren
S. Wade Taylor
Brett M. Goshe
C. Andres Bedoya
Samantha M. Marquez
Michael S. Boroughs
Jillian C. Shipherd
[1] Massachusetts General Hospital,Department of Psychiatry
[2] Harvard Medical School,Department of Psychology
[3] The Fenway Institute of Fenway Health,Women’s Health Sciences Division
[4] University of Miami,Department of Veterans Affairs
[5] VA Boston Healthcare System,School of Social Work
[6] National Center for PTSD,Department of Psychology
[7] LGBT Health Program,undefined
[8] Boston University School of Medicine,undefined
[9] Boston University,undefined
[10] University of Windsor,undefined
Men who have sex with men;
Childhood sexual abuse;
D O I:
To address childhood sexual abuse (CSA) related distress and HIV risk in men who have sex with men (MSM) using cognitive-behavioral therapy for trauma and self-care (CBT-TSC), which is a novel intervention integrating HIV risk reduction with modified cognitive and behavioral therapy strategies for post-traumatic stress. We compared CBT-TSC to HIV voluntary counseling and testing (VCT)-only in an initial 2-arm RCT in 43 HIV-negative MSM at with a history of CSA and HIV risk. Serodiscordant condomless anal/vaginal sex (CAS; CAS with HIV-postive or HIV unknown status partners) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms (Davidson Trauma Scale: total score and avoidance, intrusions, hyperarousal subscales) were outcomes immediately post-treatment, and at 6- and 9-month follow-up. At post-treatment, CBT-TSC had decreased odds (approximately 60%) of any CAS and greater reductions in CAS compared to VCT-only. Additionally, the CBT-TSC condition experienced greater reductions in total PTSD and avoidance symptoms. At the follow-up visits, CBT-TSC condition had significant reductions in the odds of any CAS and reductions in CAS. However, for PTSD symptoms, only the avoidance subscale remained significantly different compared to VCT-only. CBT-TSC is a potentially efficacious approach to address HIV risk in MSM with a CSA history, with replication and extension in a larger trial needed. This proof-of-concept trial is the first to integrate the treatment of a commonly occurring mental-health syndemic problem in MSM with a health psychology approach to self-care in MSM.
页码:2421 / 2431