Human mobility patterns are associated with many aspects of our life. With the increase of the popularity and pervasiveness of smartphones and portable devices, the Internet of Things (IoT) is turning into a permanent part of our daily routines. Positioning technologies that serve these devices such as the cellular antenna (GSM networks), global navigation satellite systems (GPS), and more recently the WiFi positioning system (WPS) provide large amounts of spatio-temporal data in a continuous way (data streams). In order to understand human behavior, the detection of important places and the movements between these places is a fundamental task. That said, the proposal of this work is a method for discovering user habits over mobility data without any a priori or external knowledge. Our approach extends a density-based clustering method for spatio-temporal data to identify meaningful places the individuals’ visit. On top of that, a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is employed over movements between the visits to automatically separate the trajectories accordingly to their key identifiers that may help describe a habit. By regrouping trajectories that look alike by day of the week, length, and starting hour, we discover the individual’s habits. The evaluation of the proposed method is made over three real-world datasets. One dataset contains high-density GPS data and the others use GSM mobile phone data with 15-min sampling rate and Google Location History data with a variable sampling rate. The results show that the proposed pipeline is suitable for this task as other habits rather than just going from home to work and vice versa were found. This method can be used for understanding person behavior and creating their profiles revealing a panorama of human mobility patterns from raw mobility data.