The conversations of 100 mother-child (mean age4.5 years) dyads about the children's school experienceswere examined for their emotional content. Dyads variedalong the dimensions of gender of child (53 girls; 57 boys), ethnicity (31African-American, 39 Anglo-American, and 40Mexican-American), and SES (55 lower and 55 higher).When compared to mother-son dyads, mother-daughter dyadsmade more emotional references, particularly when discussing topicsrelated to interpersonal relationships and whendiscussing emotions experienced by the daughters.Higher-SES dyads made more emotional references than did lower-SES dyads. While there was no main effectof ethnicity associated with the overall tendency todiscuss emotions, relative to other dyads,African-American dyads made more emotional referenceswhen discussing noninterpersonal, nonacademic topicsthan did other dyads, Anglo-American dyads made moreemotional references during the discussing of learningtopics, and Mexican-American dyads discussed emotion more in relation to interpersonal topics thandid African-American dyads.