The burgeoning advances in wireless communications, healthcare facilities, and sensor technologies bring a lot of transformation in businesses, the global economy, and convenience to people’s life. To this, Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN) has transpired as a low-cost, simple and effective solution for Smart E-Healthcare Systems. However, the mobility and open communication channel pose a significant risk of unapproved access, leakage of sensitive E-health data, and various attacks from the adversary, which remarkably impacts the large-scale adoption of the technology. To deal with such issues related to security and privacy in WBANs, many authentication schemes were suggested by the researchers in the past few years claiming to be secure, privacy-preserving, and efficient. Unfortunately, the existing schemes present security and privacy shortcomings which bring about the issues such as threats from adversaries and abuse of services. In this paper, we have propounded a secure and anonymous mutual authentication scheme for WBANs (SAMAKA). In particular, SAMAKA preserves all the desired security features and guards from various security attacks from an adversary. Besides, the formal security proof for SAMAKA is given using BAN Logic and AVISPA. Moreover, SAMAKA is proved to be provably secure in the RoR Model. More importantly, a detailed informal security analysis demonstrates the robustness of SAMAKA against well-known security attacks. Finally, a comparative performance analysis reveals that SAMAKA achieves superior performance and shows promising results while providing more robust security and privacy.