In this forum paper, I grapple with critical questions about our understanding of science as a discipline and the education standards formulated within that framing. My exploration is contextualized in our current socio-political climate and is presented in discourse with Charity Winburn’s Meeting the needs of the individual student in the post-pandemic era: an analysis of the next generation science standards. I draw on Winburn’s astute observations about the narratives and epistemologies that shape our current science standards as a springboard for diving deeper into questions about the ways of knowing and types of knowledge traditions that are uplifted in US science education. Through a dialogic process, I outline a critical analysis of the myth of neutrality, the prioritization of epistemologies, and the standardization of learning ingrained in traditional science curricula. I conclude by building on Winburn’s hopes for science education with my own aspirations for bringing joy into our collective science learning experiences.
Univ Pittsburgh, Sch Educ, 5900 Wesley West Posvar Hall,230 South Bouquet St, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USAUniv Pittsburgh, Sch Educ, 5900 Wesley West Posvar Hall,230 South Bouquet St, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA