Trophic levels (TLs) of fish were estimated on three sampling dates (March, May, and August 2006) for different fish sizes in the Cabras Lagoon (Sardinia, Italy). A temporal TL variation for Atherina boyeri, Gobius niger, and Engraulis encrasicolus was observed. In March and May, the TL ranged from 3.3 to 3.4, characterizing these species as secondary consumers, while in August, this range moved to between 3.7 and 3.8, indicating a TL shift towards tertiary consumers. For Liza ramada, TL was consistently lower in small individuals (mean TL 2.5) than in larger individuals (mean TL 3.0). Increased TL of the fish species A. boyeri, G. niger, and E. encrasicolus in August was consistent with the seasonal changes in the macrobenthic assemblage in this system, with a dominance of primary consumers (benthic deposit feeders) in winter–spring and a dominance of secondary consumers (the nereidids Alitta succinea and Hediste diversicolor) in summer. These fish species took advantage of the high availability of nereidids leading to a rise in their TL values. Furthermore, the increase of TL with size of L. ramada, the most economically valuable fish species in the Cabras Lagoon, indicated an ontogenetic diet shift, the juveniles being omnivorous, while the adults being secondary consumers. We conclude that variability in the trophic levels of fish due to species traits, ontogenetic diet shifts, and variation in prey availability should be taken into account to further understand the food web structure of coastal lagoons.