The COVID-19 pandemic and related public health restrictions have impacted the mental health and coping strategies of many population groups, including people who are pregnant. Our study sought to explore the ways that pregnant people described coping with stressors associated with the pandemic. N = 5879 pregnant individuals completed the pan-Canadian Pregnancy During the COVID-19 Pandemic Survey between April and December 2020. We used descriptive statistics to quantify sociodemographic characteristics and thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006, 2019) to analyze n = 3316 open-ended text responses to the question “Can you tell us what things you are doing to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic?” The average age of participants was 32 years (SD = 4.4), with the majority identifying as White (83.6%), female (99.7%), married (61.5%), having completed post-secondary education (90.0%), and working full-time (75.4%). We categorized participant responses into two overarching thematic dimensions: (1) ways of coping and (2) coping challenges. Ways of coping included the following main themes: (1) taking care of oneself, (2) connecting socially, (3) engaging in pandemic-specific coping strategies, (4) keeping busy, (5) taking care of others, (6) creating a sense of normalcy, (7) changing perspectives, and (8) practicing spirituality. Coping challenges included the following: (1) the perception of coping poorly, (2) loss of coping methods, (3) managing frontline or essential work, and (4) worries about the future. Findings highlight important implications for targeted prenatal supports delivered remotely, including opportunities for social support, prenatal care, and mental health strategies.