Clinopyroxene phenocrysts in fergusite from a diatreme in the Dunkel’dyk potassic alkaline complex in the southeastern Pamirs, Tajikistan, and from carbonate veinlets cutting across this rock contain syngenetic carbonate, silicate, and complex melt inclusions. The homogenization of the silicate and carbonate material of the inclusions with the complete dissolution of daughter crystalline phases and fluid in each of them occur simultaneously at 1150−1180°C. The pressures estimated using fluid inclusions and mineral geobarometers were 0.5–0.7 GPa. The behavior of the inclusions during their heating and their geochemistry are in good agreement with the origin of carbonate melts via liquid immiscibility. Carbonatite magma was segregated at the preservation of volatile components (H2O, CO2, F, Cl, and S) in the melt, and this resulted in the crystallization of H2O-rich minerals and carbonates and testifies that the magma was not intensely degassed during its ascent to the surface. The silicate melts are rich in alkalis (up to 4 wt % Na2O and 12 wt % K2O), H2O, F, Cl, and REE (up to 1000 ppm), LREE, Ba, Th, U, Li, B, and Be. The diagrams of the concentrations of incompatible elements of these rocks typically show deep Nb, Ta, and Ti minima, a fact making them similar to the unusual type of ultrapotassic magmas: lamproites of the Mediterranean type. These magmas are thought to be generated in relation to subduction processes, first of all, the fluid transport of various components from a down-going continental crustal slab into overlying levels of the mantle wedge, from which ultrapotassic magmas are presumably derived.