After reviewing three different definitions of mode field diameter of single-mode fibers, coupled efficiency calculation methods associated with lateral offset, longitude separation and wavelength, the effects produced by them, and the influences of splicing defects were discussed in detail. The regularities of the effects were studied according to the first order derivation of couple efficiency formula, and a simplified formula for couple efficiency calculation was presented under the circumstance of slight misalignment, with respect to wavelength, λ, and in a good agreement with the theoretical model. The simplified formula provides a new but simple approach to evaluate wavelength dependent couple efficiency of single-mode fibers. Theoretical analyses and numerical calculations show that, when those defects exist, the wavelength produces additional effects on the couple loss that growth of wavelength causes an increase on the couple efficiency for the lateral offset or longitude separation whereas lessens the couple efficiency due to angular misalignment or mode fields mismatching, and that the wavelength degrades the couple efficiency distinctly when λ ≥ 2.5 μm whereas it distorts the couple slightly in range of λc≤λ≤2 μm.