[1] Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit,Department of Medicine
[2] Massachusetts General Hospital,Department of Epidemiology
[3] Harvard Medical School,Department of Psychiatry
[4] Medical and Population Genetics Program,Department of Psychiatry
[5] Broad Institute for Harvard and MIT,Department of Genetics
[6] The University of Queensland,undefined
[7] Queensland Brain Institute,undefined
[8] The Queensland Brain Institute,undefined
[9] The University of Queensland,undefined
[10] Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research,undefined
[11] Broad Institute for Harvard and MIT,undefined
[12] Harvard School of Public Health,undefined
[13] Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit,undefined
[14] Massachusetts,undefined
[15] General Hospital,undefined
[16] Harvard Medical School,undefined
[17] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute,undefined
[18] Queensland Institute of Medical Research,undefined
[19] Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Center,undefined
[20] Institute of Psychiatry,undefined
[21] King’s College London,undefined
[22] MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics & Genomics,undefined
[23] Cardiff University School of Medicine,undefined
[24] University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,undefined
[25] University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine,undefined