We give sufficient conditions on the regularity of solutions to the inhomogeneous incompressible Euler and the compressible isentropic Euler systems in order for the energy to be conserved. Our strategy relies on commutator estimates similar to those employed by Constantin et al. for the homogeneous incompressible Euler equations.
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Henan University, Kaifeng,475004, ChinaSchool of Mathematics and Statistics, Henan University, Kaifeng,475004, China
Wuhan Univ Technol, Ctr Math Sci, Wuhan 430070, Peoples R China
Wuhan Univ Technol, Dept Math, Wuhan 430070, Peoples R ChinaWuhan Univ Technol, Ctr Math Sci, Wuhan 430070, Peoples R China