Background: The aim of the study is to evaluate the importance of age on the mid- and long-term results and complications after biliopancreatic diversion (BPD). Methods: Our study comprises 132 morbidly obese patients who underwent Scopinaro BPD from February 1995 to April 2001, with follow-up from 24 to 96 months. The patients, 53 males (40%) and 79 females (60%), with mean preoperative BMI 50.2 (35.4-81.5), and mean age 42 (20-65), were divided in 4 groups. Group A age 20-35, 43 patients; Group B age 36-45, 33 patients; Group C age 46-55, 31 patients and Group D age >55, 25 patients. Incidence of long-term specific complications after BPD were analyzed, including protein malnutrition, reversals, anastomotic ulcer, and incisional hernia. Results: Mean postoperative BMI was similar in all Groups. After 60 months the following BMI values were observed. Group A 30.8, Group B 34.9, Group C 35.9, Group D 32. Incidence of long-term complications were not significantly different (χ2) in the 4 Groups, and were respectively: protein malnutrition 6.9%, 12.1%, 6.4%, 16.0%; anastomotic ulcer 11.6%, 9%, 6.4%, 16.0%; reversal 2.3%, 9.0%, 1.32%, 8.0%; ventral hernia 34.8%, 45.4%, 54.8%, 32.0%. Conclusions: From the preliminary results, it appeared that the incidence of the complications was higher in group D (>55 years old), whereas group C (46-55 years old) showed a lower complication rate. However, the prevalence of complications in all groups was not statistically different on χ2 analysis. No age limit for bariatric surgery could be determined from the age ranges studied.