The spread of COVID-19 is closely related to the structure of human social networks. Based on 237 cases, by using epidemiological retrospective statistics, data visualization, and social network analysis methods, this paper summarized characteristics of patients with COVID-19 in Shaanxi, China, and analyzed these patients’ dynamic contact network structure. The study found that there are many clustered infections through strong ties, about one-third of cases are caused by relatives' infection. In early stages of the epidemic, imported cases were the most, and in the later stages, local infection cases were the most. The infected people were mostly middle-aged men. Symptoms of imported cases occurred on average of 3 days after they arrived, and medical measures were taken 5 days later on average. All cases showed symptoms in less than 2 days on average and were then taken to medical treatment. The contact network can be divided into multiple disconnected components. The largest component has 12 patients. The average degree centrality in the network is 0.987, average betweenness degree is 0, average closeness degree is 0.452, and average PageRank index is 0.0042. The number of contacts of patients is unevenly distributed in the network.