The current study was aimed to investigate the impact of THI on productive and reproductive indices of PE and F1 crosses (50% PE and 50% Italian buffaloes) and back crosses (BC) (75% PE and 25% Italian buffaloes) under hot conditions. In this study, 8385 records used PE (1914, 1518, and 1737), F1 (387, 447, and 657), and BC (495, 585, and 645) for low, medium, and high THI, respectively. The high THI reduced the conception rate after first insemination in PE, F1, and BC ((odds ratio, OR) = 1.187, P = 0.007; 2.361, <0.0001 and 1.603, <0.0001, respectively) when compared with low THI. But, stillbirth and calving condition were not significantly influenced by different THI levels in BC and F1. BC was more bearable to the harsh environment; they possessed the highest incidence of conception after first insemination (72.70, 72.60, and 62.40%), producing live calves (98.50, 100, and 99.40%) with easy calving condition (98.50, 100, and 99.40%) when compared to PE and F1 at different levels of THI, respectively. The average daily milk yield and peak of milk production were decreased in PE (4.02 and 5.12%), BC (13.33 and 10.95%), and F1 (25.29 and 12.20%) from low to high THI. However, BC revealed no significant changes in days open, dry period, calving interval, gestation length, service per conception, and the first service post-partum at different levels of THI when compared with PE and F1. Therefore, rearing BC is recommended for improving buffalo productive and reproductive performance under hot conditions.