The inhibitory effects of paeonol, a major compound ofPaeoniae radix, on the development of locomotor sensitization, conditioned place preference (CPP) and dopamine receptor supersensitivity induced by the repeated administration of morphine were investigated through behavioral experiments. A single administration of morphine produces hyperlocomotion. Repeated administration of morphine develops sensitization (reverse tolerance), a progressive enhancement of locomotion, which is used as a model for studying the drug-induced drug-seeking behaviors, and CPP, which is used as a model for studying drug reinforcement. Paeonol inhibited morphine-induced hyperlocomotion, sensitization and CPP. In addition, paenol inhibited the development of postsynaptic dopamine receptors supersensitivity, which may be an underlying common mechanism that mediates the morphine-induced dopaminergic behaviors such as sensitization and CPP. Apomorphine (a dopamine agonist)-induced climbing behaviors also were inhibited by a single direct administration of paeonol. These results provide evidence that paeonol exerts anti-dopaminergic activity, and it is suggested that paeonol may be useful for the prevention and therapy of these adverse actions of morphine.