The Binomial CUSUM is used to monitor the fraction defective (p) of a repetitive process, particularly for detecting small to moderate shifts. The number of defectives from each sample is used to update the monitoring CUSUM. When 100% inspection is in progress, the question arises as to how many sequential observations should be grouped together in forming successive samples. The tabular form of the CUSUM has three parameters: the sample size n, the reference value k, and the decision interval h, and these parameters are usually chosen using statistical or economic-statistical criteria, which are based on Average Run Length (ARL). Unlike earlier studies, this investigation uses steady-state ARL rather than zero-state ARL, and the occurrence of the shift can be anywhere within a sample. The principal finding is that there is a significant gain in the performance of the CUSUM when the sample size (n) is set at one, and this CUSUM might be termed the Bernoulli CUSUM. The advantage of using n=1 is greater for larger shifts and for smaller values of in-control ARL.