INTRODUCTION: Control of postoperative symptoms is of paramount importance in ambulatory surgery. This trial was conducted to evaluate whether a micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF) (Detralex®) reduces postoperative bleeding, pain and consumption of analgesics after ambulatory stapled hemorrhoidopexy, as reported in trials after classic hemorrhoidectomy. Phlebotropic activity, protective effect on the capillaries and anti-inflammatory properties of this drug have been reported in several studies. METHODS: Sixty-three patients with third-degree hemorrhoids had ambulatory stapled hemorrhoidopexy under spinal anesthesia in the period of one year. The patients were randomized, with 30 receiving Detralex 500 mg (2 tablets 3 times daily for 5 days after the operation) and 33 forming the control group. The patients were asked to daily self-assess the presence of blood on defecation, degree of pain and consumption of analgesics for the first week after the operation. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between the two groups in duration of presence of blood, degree of pain or analgesics requirement. No major complications, such as bleeding requiring transfusion or hospitalization, sepsis, anal stenosis or urgent defecation, were noted in the follow-up period. There were no side effects from Detralex treatment. DISCUSSION: In our study we could not demonstrate any positive effect of prescribing flavonoids after stapler hemorrhoidopexy. This procedure may not be sufficiently aggressive and is associated with too few postoperative complications to show any protective influence of flavonoids.