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A qualitative exploration of decisions about dental recall intervals - Part 1: attitudes of NHS general dental practitioners to NICE guideline CG19 on the interval between oral health reviews
Hannah Scott
Anwen L. Cope
Fiona Wood
Natalie Joseph-Williams
Anup Karki
Emyr M. Roberts
Candida Lovell-Smith
Ivor G. Chestnutt
[1] Research Associate,
[2] Applied Clinical Research and Public Health,undefined
[3] Cardiff University,undefined
[4] University Dental Hospital,undefined
[5] Heath Park,undefined
[6] Cardiff,undefined
[7] Honorary Lecturer in Dental Public Health,undefined
[8] Applied Clinical Research and Public Health,undefined
[9] Cardiff University,undefined
[10] University Dental Hospital,undefined
[11] Heath Park,undefined
[12] Cardiff,undefined
[13] Professor of Medical Sociology,undefined
[14] Division of Population Medicine,undefined
[15] School of Medicine,undefined
[16] Cardiff University and PRIME Centre Wales,undefined
[17] Heath Park,undefined
[18] Cardiff,undefined
[19] Senior Lecturer,undefined
[20] Division of Population Medicine,undefined
[21] School of Medicine,undefined
[22] Cardiff University and PRIME Centre Wales,undefined
[23] Heath Park,undefined
[24] Cardiff,undefined
[25] Consultant in Dental Public Health,undefined
[26] Public Health Wales,undefined
[27] Capital Quarter,undefined
[28] Cardiff,undefined
[29] Principal Dentist,undefined
[30] The Courtyard Dental Care,undefined
[31] Cardiff,undefined
[32] UK; Dental Practice Advisor,undefined
[33] Cardiff and Vale University Health Board,undefined
[34] Woodland House,undefined
[35] Cardiff,undefined
[36] Patient and Public Research Partner,undefined
[37] Professor and Honorary Consultant,undefined
[38] Dental Public Health,undefined
[39] College of Biomedical and Life Sciences,undefined
[40] Cardiff University and PRIME Centre Wales,undefined
[41] UK; Clinical Director,undefined
[42] University Dental Hospital,undefined
[43] Cardiff and Vale University Health Board,undefined
[44] UK; Director of Postgraduate Studies,undefined
[45] School of Dentistry,undefined
[46] Cardiff University,undefined
[47] University Dental Hospital,undefined
[48] Heath Park,undefined
[49] Cardiff,undefined
D O I:
Introduction The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guideline CG19 recommends that the intervals between oral health reviews should be tailored to patients' disease risk. However, evidence suggests that most patients still attend at six-monthly intervals.
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