In the laboratory, the white rot fungus Phanerochaete
chrysosporium degrades numerous organic pollutants. Lack of a
slow-release delivery system to toxic waste sites, for this and other fungi,
however, constitutes an important barrier to practical implementation. In
this study, the use of calcium alginate as an encapsulant for mycelia was
investigated; samples were in the form of pellets 1–3 mm in diameter. When
refrigerated, alginate-embedded mycelia of P. chrysosporium were
viable for one year, both with and without nutrient supplementation. At room
temperature, in the absence of nutrient supplementation, viability decreased
sharply within 2 months. Addition of sawdust or corncob grits extended the
viability of alginate-embedded mycelia; nevertheless, after 9 months only
about 20% of the pellets stored at room temperature yielded fungal
growth. Spores of P. chrysosporium, embedded in alginate pellets
together with corncob grits, gave 75% viability after 9 months of
storage at room temperature. Alginate-embedded mycelia were used in Petri
plate toxicity tests with 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and gave more rapid and
reproducible results than tests performed with mycelial plugs. These
experiments demonstrated the feasibility of encapsulating P.
chrysosporium in calcium alginate pellets, thus providing a potential
method of delivering white rot fungi to toxic waste sites, as well as for
developing a system of standardized toxicity testing in plate assays.