Introduction: Peri-implantitis (PI) is one of the peri-implant diseases that causes destructive inflammatory process of the hard and soft tissues surrounding the implant. Recently, several types of lasers have been proven to be effective in PI. Despite the increase of scientific publications on laser treatment in PI, the best type of laser treatment is not evaluated until now. The primary aim of our systematic review is to provide a comprehensive review on the effect of different types of lasers that were used as a treatment modality for patients with peri-implantitis concerning the most effective type of laser in this field. Material and methods: We used databases from scientific websites such as PubMed/Medline, Scopus, and Google Scholar to get related articles about this subject. The research process involved specific key words “peri-implantitis”-laser treatment”-peri-implantitis treatments”. We were more concerned about English human published studies including clinical trials, case-control, and case series of laser therapy in peri-implantitis. Results: Our initial research yielded 174 articles. After scanning and screening the published articles, we excluded 152 articles; in total, 22 articles were included in this review. Conclusion: We concluded that the determination of the optimal laser treatment for peri-implantitis is recondite due to the disharmony of results that have been documented. However, if lasers are not used according to proper protocols with proper temperatures, a damage can occur to the implant and peri-implant tissues. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.