Regression relation;
white noise;
D O I:
A simplified technique for simulation of wide-band strong motion based on simple regression relations and Empirical Green’s Function (EGF) technique by Irikura (1986) is presented in this paper. The method uses the acceleration envelope as a shaping window for a filtered white Gaussian noise, to get the synthetic accelerogram from each subfault. Correction factors for slip of large and small events and transmission factors at each boundary of different layers are included in this synthetic accelerogram. The synthetic accelerogram obtained from each subfault is used as the Green’s function to get resultant records. Simulations are made for the confirmed models of the Uttarkashi and the Chamoli earthquakes at a number of stations to get wide-band strong ground motion. The comparison of synthetic with the observed records over a wide range of frequencies for two different Himalayan earthquakes establishes the efficacy of the present technique.