Nowadays the surfactants are used in many areas of everyday life and industry, thanks to their diverse and favourable properties. They have been used as detergents, wetting agents, emulsifiers, foaming or dispersing agents, from the food industry, through the cosmetics industry, to the heavy industry. Among surfactants, nonionic surfactants form one of the most diverse groups. Since the hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts of the non-ionic surfactant are formed due to the different polarities of the molecular parts, countless raw materials become suitable for the production of such surfactants, depending on their polarity and reactivity. In the world of surfactants, in addition to application efficiency, environmental friendliness also plays an important role. In order for a surfactant to be environmental friendly, it is necessary to strive for the best solution the conditions of production and application. In this study it was set ourselves the goal of investigating nonionic surfactants, which based on their properties, may be suitable for industrial application, while also contributing to sustainable development.