Dendrocalamus hamiltonii is a giant, evergreen, clumping, multipurpose bamboo with strong culms which are mainly used for construction, handicrafts and fuel. The tender shoots are also used as food. Overexploitation of existing natural stocks coupled with harvesting of culms before seed formation, a long flowering cycle, irregular and poor seed production, short seed viability, seed sterility, limited availability of offsets and rhizomes and seasonal dependence are some of the major bottlenecks in conventional propagation of this species. Therefore, alternative methods like micropropagation can fill the gap in demand and supply of true-to-type planting material. Recently, our micropropagation protocol for rapid multiplication of D. hamiltonii through axillary bud proliferation using nodal explants from mature culms was standardized, and more than 3,000 plants were transferred to the field. However, somaclonal variations are known to appear in the in vitro-derived clones due to culture-induced stresses. Therefore, the present investigation was conducted to ascertain the effect of the length of in vitro culture age on clonal fidelity of regenerated plants using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The genomic DNA samples (i.e. mother plant, in vitro-raised shoots from the 3rd to 30th passage, and in vitro-raised plants transferred to the field) were subjected to PCR amplification using 90 primer combinations (25 each of RAPD, ISSR and SSR, and 15 AFLP primer combinations) of which 76 (23 RAPD, 24 ISSR, 21 SSR and 8 AFLP) markers showed amplified DNA fragments. The 23 RAPD primers produced 162 distinct amplified DNA fragments from 2 (OPE-5) to 16 (OPE-16) fragments per primer, while 24 ISSR primers produced 181 distinct amplified DNA fragments with an average of 7.5 fragments per primer. The number of bands generated by SSR primers varied from 3 (RM-7 and RM-240) to 14 (RM-44), and the eight combinations of AFLP primers produced 369 distinct and scorable amplified DNA fragments with an average of 46.1 fragments per primer. Appearance of monomorphic bands with all the tested primer combinations confirmed the true-to-type nature of the in vitro clones of D. hamiltonii and hence the suitability of the developed micropropagation protocol for commercial-scale plant production.