[1] University of Vienna,Department of Evolutionary Anthropology
[2] University of Coimbra,CIAS, Department of Life Sciences
[3] Harvard Medical School,Department of Genetics
[4] Harvard University,Department of Human Evolutionary Biology
[5] Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT,Howard Hughes Medical Institute
[6] Harvard Medical School,Institute of Evolutionary Biology
[7] CSIC–Universitat Pompeu Fabra,Institutes of Energy and the Environment
[8] The Pennsylvania State University,Department of Legal Medicine, Toxicology and Physical Anthropology
[9] University of Granada,Department of Anthropology
[10] Superintendency of Archaeology,Department of Anthropology
[11] Fine Arts and Landscape for the city of Cagliari and the provinces of Oristano and South Sardinia,Department of Mathematics and Physics
[12] The Pennsylvania State University,Museo Antropológico Montané
[13] University of California,Peabody Museum of Natural History
[14] Campania University ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’,Facultad de Ciencias Antropológicas
[15] CIBIO–InBIO,Department of Environmental Biology
[16] University of Porto,DANTE Laboratory of Diet and Ancient Technology
[17] University of Havana,National Center of Medical Genetics
[18] Matanzas University of Medical Sciences,Instituto de Investigaciones Bioantropológicas y Arqueológicas
[19] Yale University,Department of Biology
[20] Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán,Florida Museum of Natural History
[21] Sapienza University of Rome,Department of Anthropology
[22] National Archaeological–Anthropological Memory Management (NAAM),Department of Biomolecular Engineering
[23] Sapienza University of Rome,undefined
[24] Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo,undefined
[25] Medical University of Havana,undefined
[26] Museo del Hombre Dominicano,undefined
[27] Universidad de Los Andes,undefined
[28] Turks and Caicos National Museum Foundation,undefined
[29] AEX Bahamas Maritime Museum,undefined
[30] University of The Bahamas,undefined
[31] National Geographic Society,undefined
[32] University of Florida,undefined
[33] University of California,undefined
[34] University of California,undefined