For new companies in general, marketing is a critical issue. However, many high tech start ups face particular problems associated with marketing. They may have a product, rather than a customer focus; they may lack marketing experience and may even neglect marketing to focus on developing a better product. They also work in an ambiguous environment; a new, or yet to be established market, unclear application and often a need to internationalise rapidly. The purpose of this paper is thus to try to capture what experienced experts have found to work best in these difficult conditions. The study is based in Israel, but may have lessons for many other small countries. A multiple stage methodology, seeking expert views; analysing, consolidating and then refining them was adopted, based on the condensed wisdom of some 80 of the key players in new Israeli high tech firms. The paper shows how some aspects are vital for success, but also explores the roles played by the various aspects of marketing. © Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2006.