Background: The maximum sinus rate during exertion in humans is inversely related to age. However, the sinus rate at rest is quite variable. The intrinsic heart (IHR) following pharmacologic blockade of autonomic tone with propranolol and atropine has been proposed as a test of sinus node function and is related to age by the linear regression equation: IHR = 118.1 − (0.57 × age). Whether this relationship exists for transplanted hearts for which the donor sinus node is denervated has not been determined. Methods: The relationship between the resting heart rate and the age of the donor heart was examined in 103 patients 1 year following orthotopic cardiac transplantation in the absence of rejection or intercurrent illness. Patients receiving beta-blockers, calcium blockers, antiarrhythmic drugs, digitalis, theophylline, or with biopsy evidence of rejection or abnormal coronary arteriograms were excluded from analysis. Results: The recipient age, left ventricular ejection fraction, pulmonary capillary pressure, cardiac index, donor heart ischemic time and cardiopulmonary bypass time did not correlate with the rate of the resting donor sinus node. The resting heart rate was inversely related to age of the donor heart by the linear regression equation: HR = 112.0 − (046 × age). Conclusion: The resting rate of the denervated sinus node is related to donor age with a regression equation that is similar, though slightly slower, than that predicted after pharmacologic autonomic blockade.