[1] School of Medicine,Department of Psychiatry
[2] Jeju National University,Department of Psychiatry
[3] College of Medicine,Department of Psychiatry
[4] The Catholic University of Korea,Department of Psychiatry
[5] Catholic University of Daegu,Department of Psychiatry
[6] School of Medicine,Department of Psychiatry
[7] Bongseng Memorial Hospital,Department of Psychiatry
[8] Kyungpook National University School of Medicine,Department of Psychiatry
[9] College of Medicine,Department of Psychiatry
[10] Chung-Ang University,Department of Psychiatry
[11] Chonbuk National University Medical School,Department of Psychiatry
[12] Chunan Soonchunhyang Hospital,undefined
[13] Soonchunhyang University,undefined
[14] Sacred Heart Hospital,undefined
[15] College of Medicine,undefined
[16] Hallym University,undefined
[17] College of Medicine,undefined
[18] Dongguk University,undefined
[19] Naju National Hospital,undefined