[1] Boston University,Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Center for Space Physics
[2] University of New Hampshire,Space Science Center
[3] Tohoku University,Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science
[4] Nagoya University,Institute for Space Earth Environmental Research
[5] University of Calgary,Department of Physics and Astronomy
[6] The University Centre in Svalbard,Department of Arctic Geophysics
[7] Birkeland Centre for Space Science,Department of Communication Engineering and Informatics
[8] University of Electro-Communications,Department of Astronomy
[9] NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,Department of Physics and Astronomy
[10] University of Maryland,Space Physics and Astronomy Research Unit
[11] National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR),undefined
[12] SOKENDAI,undefined
[13] University of Southampton,undefined
[14] National Institute of Polar Research,undefined
[15] University of Oulu,undefined