The nonlinear features of dust-acoustic waves (DAWs) propagating in a multicomponent, collisional, magnetized dusty plasma whose constituents are negative dust grains, superthermal ions, and electrons are investigated. The hydrodynamic fluid equations are reduced to a damped Zakharov–Kuznetsov (DZK) equation, using the reductive perturbation technique. The DZK equation is solved using both the generalized (G′/G)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$$(G^{{\prime }}/G)$$\end{document}–expansion method and the Painlevé analysis method. Each method gives a class of solutions. This indicates that these methods are sufficient to give all possible solutions of the DZK equation. These solutions successfully describe different kinds of nonlinear waves such as explosive, soliton, shocklike, periodical, and cnoidal waves. Additionally, the effects of different plasma parameters such as relative densities and temperatures as well as superthermality parameters of ions and electrons on the behavior of the obtained diverse waves are investigated. The relevance of the present investigation can be used to understand the cosmic dust-laden plasmas.