Zinc bearing wastes such as electric arc furnace dust (EAFD) obtained from steel making constitute an important resource for zinc extraction. Inclusion of heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, etc., in these wastes makes them hazardous to use and/or dispose. In the present research work, leaching kinetics of EAFD with sulfuric acid has been investigated and various experimental parameters such as concentration of lixiviant, stirring rate, sample particle size, liquid/solid proportion, and temperature of the reaction have been optimized. It has been found that the dissolution rate of EAFD increases with rise in temperature, acidic strength, rate of stirring, liquid to solid proportion and with reduction in EAFD particle size. From the analysis of leaching kinetic data by means of graphical and statistical methods, it has been evaluated that the leaching kinetics of EAFD is dictated by surface diffusion reaction. Apparent energy of activation for the leaching reaction of EAFD with sulfuric acid is found to be 13.1 kJ mol–1 within the temperature range of 308 to 358 K.