The purpose of this inquiry was to test a path model that explains how sociodemographic background characteristics, functional health state, social network structure, and extent of activity affect well-being among elderly Arab Israelis, a population in transition from an agrarian to a modern culture. Using data from a national survey, the study revealed that respondents' morale was negatively associated with functional disability and positively associated with social network and activity level. Disability was predicted by lower income and education, older age, and female gender. Activity level was predicted by low disability, male gender, education, and social network. The study results provide support for the contention that the path to successful aging is universal. However, the results also suggest that within the general path to a good old age one can find culturally unique characteristics. In the case of older Arab Israelis, these included belonging to community- and family-oriented network structures and engaging in socially oriented activity. © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.