In this article, a multi-period optimal scheduling framework considering load priorities is proposed to optimize the operation of an islanded smart distribution network. The main idea of this work is to provide sufficient power supply to high priority loads even during limited generation periods while also assuring network security and achieving optimal generation schedules for distributed energy resources and optimal charging/discharging schedules for battery bank (BB). The proposed scheduling framework is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem in four different operating cases, over multiple time periods considering conventional generation sources, renewable energy sources, battery bank (BB), and various loads. Loads comprise hospitals, public consumer loads, industries, education centers, and domestic loads. The usual objectives of optimal scheduling problems in the literature are minimizing network power loss, total cost of generation, and maximizing customer benefit; however, less attention has been paid to distribution network security. Therefore, in this article, voltage stability index is considered as one of the objective functions along with network power loss, total cost of generation, and total load curtailment. The proposed scheduling problem is solved using Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II), and its performance is evaluated on the modified IEEE 34 bus system. The accuracy of results is verified by comparing with the results obtained by solving the proposed scheduling problem using Python optimization modeling objects (Pyomo) software with interior point optimizer as the solver.