This paper examines the performance of the proposed low DIBL Gate all around FET (GAAFET) based 6 T and 7 T SRAM cells on enhancing stability for low power applications. GAAFETs are used in cross-coupled inverter circuitry to increase the stability of proposed 6 T and 7 T SRAM cells as these cross-coupled inverters provide the closest ideal voltage transfer characteristics (VTC) due to the earlier saturation effect. The calibration of the simulation setup has also been done in this paper before using GAAFET in SRAM cell design. Moreover, the Look-up table-based Verilog A approach is adopted in the paper for device circuit co-design. Proposed 6 T SRAM cell is analysed for the performance metrics like read static noise margin (RSNM), write margin (WM), read delay, write delay, read power and write power at various supply voltages (VDD) and further be improved to the proposed 7 T SRAM cell. The proposed 7 T SRAM enhances RSNM and WM by 55.56% and 24.60%, respectively, and also reduces read and write power consumption by 6.50% and 88.76%, respectively, as compared to DP-DGTFET based 7 T SRAM cell at VDD = 0.6 V. Furthermore, proposed 7 T SRAM reduces read and write delay by 62.95% and 74.93% respectively at VDD = 0.6 V as well. The power gating technique is used in the proposed 7 T SRAM to reduce leakage power by 37.18%, and 80.81% compared to the 6 T CMOS SRAM and proposed GAAFET based 6 T SRAM cell, respectively. Therefore, the proposed 7 T SRAM cell could be used for high stability and low power applications.