To investigate the characteristics of vaporized RP-3 kerosene combustion in a scramjet combustor enhanced by the micro vortex generator (MVG), a series of experiments are carried out based on the advanced combustion diagnosis technique. The high-enthalpy incoming flow is accelerated to supersonic through a Mach 2.52 nozzle, the total pressure and temperature of which are 1.6 MPa and 1486 K, respectively. The effect of MVG on the ignition process, flame distribution, and combustor pressure along the bottom wall is well revealed, and the effects of the position and number of MVGs on stable combustion performance are analyzed. The results indicate that the development processes of the initial flame kernel with and without an MVG during ignition process show a similar behavior. The installation of an MVG can lift the shear layer, promote the penetration of flame deeper into the mainstream, and expand the area of the reactive region. Reducing the distance between the MVG and the injection position and increasing the number of MVGs are regarded as effective ways of improving the mixing degree of fuel and air with a resultant intensification of chemical reactions and flame luminescence. The effect of mixing and subsequent combustion is enhanced by shortening the distance between the MVG and the injection position. As the layout schemes of the MVG vary, the pressure distribution between the injection position and the leading edge of the cavity changes considerably, while that in the cavity remains almost constant. Increasing the number of MVGs is also beneficial for improving the premixed degree of fuel and incoming flow and results in more violent chemical reactions downstream of the cavity.