The HIV/AIDS epidemic is increasingly a diseaseof the disadvantaged, a destroyer of nations,and a threat to global security and well-being.But this need not be so: the world has thescientific knowledge, technologicalinnovations, and financial resources tosignificantly reduce the spread and sufferingcaused by the disease. This paper argues thatthe wealthy nations of the world, led by theUnited States, have a moral obligation to offermuch greater assistance to developing countrieswhere the epidemic is most severe. UsingZimbabwe as a case study, this essay examinesthe immediate and underlying factors behind theepidemic in order to make realistic andaffordable policy recommendations that includenew investments in global health care, debtrelief, and long-term economic development. Bydemonstrating our ability to dramaticallyaffect the future course and consequences ofthis unprecedented epidemic, the paperconcludes that greater action is not only inthe interest of public health, but is also amoral imperative. By investing the necessaryresources to improve public health and toreduce global poverty, we promote and extendthe fundamental rights and values that weprofess to hold dear.