The introduction of modern quality thinking to orthodontic care should be a continuing effort on the part of the orthodontic profession. The strategy for the development of a European quality management system in orthodontic care was developed from 1993 to 2000 during the EURO-QUAL project. During the project's first stage, the basic prerequisites were identified for a general model of quality management in orthodontic care. A supra-national agreement was reached on policy statements for orthodontic care in Europe. The essential components of an orthodontic quality management system are: Linking orthodontic care to population need, patient partnership, clinical accountability, and containing costs. Value-based health care and "TQM", the philosophy of total quality management, are basic principles applied in accordance with the recommendations of the European Health Committee of September 1997 and the "Health-for-All" policy framework of the World Health Organization. © Urban & Vogel München 2005.