This study is a quantitative examination of primate feeding selectivity in relation to secondary chemistry within a single plant species, Hymenaea courbaril. It provides the first evidence that sesquiterpenes may act as feeding deterrents in mantled howler monkeys. A free-ranging group of mantled howler monkeys at the study site of Sector Santa Rosa, Area de Conservacion Guanacaste, Costa Rica were observed for the 2-month period of H. courbaril leaf flush in 1999. Tree characteristic data and leaf specimens were collected from 22 focal trees. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry were used to estimate relative percentages of sesquiterpenes in leaf specimens. The monkeys fed only on the youngest leaves and only from particular trees. Whereas leaf stage selectivity was likely governed by tannin content and structural carbohydrates in younger and older leaf stages, respectively, differential tree use may be related to variability in sesquiterpene content. There is evidence that α-copaene may have played a role in interindividual tree use, and that cyperene may also be implicated. However, there is no reported evidence of antiherbivore activity for cyperene.