Mobile learning has expanded the reach of electronic and distance education, which has been made possible by modern technology and globalization. There is a need to identify the elements that are essential in determining behavioral intention towards mobile learning because there is a dearth of scientific justification for their importance. The goal of the study is to ascertain how behavioral intention towards mobile learning are affected by perceived entertainment, perceived informativeness, perceived irritation, perceived trust, and perceived value. Moreover, the study examines the mediating role of attitude among the aforementioned variables and behavioral intention towards mobile learning. Finally, the moderating impact of social influence on the relationship between attitude and behavioral intention towards mobile learning is investigated. The multistage cluster sampling technique is used to gather data from 586 students. Multiple regression analysis is utilized to test hypotheses, whereas AMOS-23 is used for confirmatory factor analysis. Hayes & Preacher’s macro is applied to assess mediation and moderation. The results show that perceived entertainment, informativeness, trust, and value significantly and directly influence attitude towards mobile learning, but perceived irritation has a negative effect. Additionally, perceived entertainment, trust, and value have a direct and significant impact on behavioral intention towards mobile learning, whereas perceived irritation has a negative and informativeness has an insignificant impact. Finally, the attitude is supported as a mediator, while social influence confirms its role as a moderator. The study offers significant theoretical and practical implications.