Impact of heavy metals on inhibitory concentration of Escherichia coli—a case study of river Yamuna system, Delhi, India

Richa Bhardwaj
Anshu Gupta
J. K. Garg
[1] University School of Environment Management,
[2] Guru Gobind Singh Indraprsatha University,undefined
Heavy metal tolerance; Minimum inhibitory concentration; Growth curve; Bio-indicator; Metal pollution;
The occurrence of resistant bacteria to specific heavy metals can be associated with increasing load of the metals in the environment. River Yamuna is polluted by various toxic heavy metals discharged by several industrial and agricultural sources. Therefore, the use of heavy metal-resistant bacteria as an indicator of metal pollution was tested in the present study. For the purpose of the study, the heavy metal resistance status of 42 Escherichia coli strains isolated from River Yamuna water from 7 sampling sites within a span of 2 years was determined using growth curves and plate dilution method in terms of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values by comparing with MIC value of control strain. Seasonally, the lowest mean MIC value was observed for bacterial strains isolated in post-monsoon (December) 2013 and highest mean MIC value was observed for bacterial strains isolated in monsoon (August) 2015. Site-wise analysis of the maximum mean MIC values for all the isolated strains showed the highest mean Ni MIC value for the bacterial strains isolated from site S4 (ITO), highest mean Cu MIC, Cr MIC, and Fe MIC values for the bacterial strains isolated from site S2 (Najafgarh drain intermixing zone) and highest mean Cd MIC, Pb MIC, and Zn MIC values for the bacterial strains isolated from site S7 (Shahdara drain intermixing zone). Correlation analysis between mean MIC site-wise results with mean heavy metal site-wise concentrations showed significant positive correlation indicating that the higher the mean concentration of a given heavy metal at a given site, the higher the mean MIC value for the strains isolated from the same site indicating higher level of resistance. Overall, the present study has shown that the presence of heavy metals in River Yamuna caused due to indiscriminate discharge of various effluents from different kind of sources as well as due to insufficient treatment capacity of sewage treatment plants as well as common effluent treatment plants, has serious impacts on its bacterial microflora as it leads to the development of resistant strains.
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