This paper discusses the NB-IoT Internet of Things enhancement technology. Based on the analysis of NB-IoT coverage evaluation methods and various coverage improvement technologies, the benefits of repeated transmission are analyzed. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the previous Internet of Things enhancement results; I have discovered the advantages of NB-IoT technology. The enhancement of the Internet of Things needs the support of this technology. It can not only provide great help for the enhancement of the Internet of Things, but also has an important role in realizing the theoretical knowledge of the commercialization of the Internet of Things. We simulated the high-resolution city A (mountain s) mountain atmospheric wind circulation by using the medium-scale model WRF (V3.9) to study the structure and evolution characteristics of the atmospheric wind circulation in autumn and winter in this area. In addition, the article also studied the influence of aerosol pollution on mountain atmospheric circulation and related factors of the boundary layer by reducing the aerosol optical depth (AOD) sensitivity test. Finally, the article explores the clothing packaging design of Yunnan ethnic minorities. The clothing packaging design patterns of Yunnan ethnic minorities are created through a certain artistic change law, including symmetrical, equidistant, circular, and repeated multi-form geometric figures. The costume patterns of Yunnan ethnic minorities extract materials from nature such as characters, animals, and plants, which reflect the true image of the objective world. Due to the influence of history and region, the costume patterns of Yunnan ethnic minorities express commonalities while exuding the individuality of the tribes. Each tribe of Yunnan ethnic minorities has its own specific and unique artistic aesthetics and expressions.