In this paper, we introduce a new relaxation of strong edge-coloring. Let G be a graph. For two nonnegative integers s and t, an (s, t)-relaxed strong k-edge-coloring is an assignment of k colors to the edges of G, such that for any edge e, there are at most s edges adjacent to e and t edges which are distance two apart from e assigned the same color as e. The (s, t)-relaxed strong chromatic index, denoted by χ′(s,t)(G)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$${\chi '}_{(s,t)}(G)$$\end{document}, is the minimum number k of an (s, t)-relaxed strong k-edge-coloring admitted by G. This paper studies the (s, t)-relaxed strong edge-coloring of graphs, especially trees. For a tree T, the tight upper bounds for χ′(s,0)(T)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$${\chi '}_{(s,0)}(T)$$\end{document} and χ′(0,t)(T)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$${\chi '}_{(0,t)}(T)$$\end{document} are given. And the (1, 1)-relaxed strong chromatic index of an infinite regular tree is determined. Further results on χ′(1,0)(T)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$${\chi '}_{(1,0)}(T)$$\end{document} are also presented.